Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Final Days Before the WEDDING!!

I haven't posted as often as I would have liked to, but I figure better late than ever. I want to document how I'm feeling right now. Mainly I'm feeling like I threw 10 balls up in the air and I'm frantically trying to make sure I catch them all as they come back down. Know what I mean? Haha. Emotionally I'm super excited and not worried at all about marrying the love of my life. I can't wait actually. ;) On the event planning side, I'm much more confident today than I was probably this past weekend. I've gotten a lot done in the past couple of days. I'm mainly trying to organize now.

I'll be leaving on Wednesday to head up to my home town to help with the final preparations for the wedding. I am a little scared to leave San Jose only because I don't want to forget anything. Val won't be coming up until Friday, so it's nice to have a little buffer just in case.

Everything is coming together! I'm finding that I have a lot of last minute errands to run, but besides that I think all of the craft projects are pretty much done. :) If anything, I feel pretty wiped out most of the time. Aruba's pearly white beach is calling my name! I can't wait to just relax!

So many fun things have happened over the past couple weeks, including my bachelorette party and the bridal shower. :) Here are a few pictures:

Bachelorette Party - 8/17 & 8/18

Bridal Shower - 8/24/13

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